I was just watching a 60 minutes on CNBC program on Child Poverty and how many children are living in family vehicles and cheap motels. They are going to bed hungry and rely on School subsidized meals.
Guess what? The school year has ended or is about to end for a lot of these children.
What can we do to help? Do you have a family that you can help in their time of need?
I am going to make it my business to help those in need. It's time to stop talking about it and be about it. Shouldn't we help one another or turn our heads the other way?
In the Philadelphia Septa (Public Transporation system) is having a Food Drive to support Philabundance an organization that feeds those in need. I will start by dropping off some canned goods tomorrow morning.
I just sent an email to a Couponing Forum to send a Military Family some expired coupons which they can use at the Commissary.
It's funny I was sitting here trying to think of how I could make some extra money, and end up thinking of how I can help someone else. It's not me it's God.
Please pray for these children and their families. because "Praying for others is a Privlege and a Responsibility".
"Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon". Isaiah 58:10
Bought Your Food Cheaper Now Keep it Fresher Longer